The Small Business Administration has inititiated the Small Business Investment Companies program to help in developing privately owned and managed investment companies which will be licensed and regulated by the Small Business Administration to provide equity capital, long term loans, and advisory services to small business requiring such services.
Find a SBDC Office Near You Many of the SBA programs offering Small Business Grants, Loan Programs and Counseling Programs are offered through state agencies.
The Connecticut Housing Finance Authority, otherwise known as CHFA, is an independent quasi-public housing agency operating within the State of Connecticut that was established in 1969 in an effort to lessen or alleviate the hurdles regarding the lack or insufficient supply of affordable housing opportunities for Connecticut’s low- and moderate-income families and individuals.
The Small Business Administration has established the Portable Assistance Program wherein they seek to provide grants to Small Business Development Lead Centers that provide services to small businesses in an effort to increase the success of small business establishments and their viability in certain communities where economic hardship is apparent and is attributable to the impact of a major disaster.
Textbooks for Change, a London-based social enterprise that has obtained the B Corporation seal for positive social and environmental impact, is seeking investors that would be helping the company expand.