The U. S. Department of State's Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs (OES) and the Office of Global Change (EGC) is seeking proposals for a modest evaluation study of approximately 3-5 months in duration via an award of up to 250,000 U. S. Dollars (USD) in FY 2010
Economic Support Funds (ESF).
The primary purpose of the study is to document and evaluate programmatic activities and outcomes relative to the contributions of OES/EGC funding to the Methane-to-Markets (M2M) Partnership for the fiscal years 2006-201 0. OES/EGC funding for the program ($27 million from FY2006-10) represents only a portion of the M2M funding annually, so that a value added evaluation approach is likely to be most relevant for detailing OES/EGC contributions to the M2M program overtime.
OES/EGC funding for the M2M programs has been in two key areas:
1) Administrative Support Group Activities including partnership meetings and outreach and communication; and 2) Project Development Activities in a four target sectors including Agriculture, Landfills, Coal Mining, Oil and Natural Gas.
Furthermore, documentation of those programs and activities that provided co-benefits for women, such as increased access for women to adaptation program and technologies is also sought.