The Bureau of Reclamation is requesting proposals for water, soil and moisture conservation projects.
This funding opportunity will provide assistance in developing effective water management and conservation plans; encourage and promote implementation of water efficiency measures; demonstrate
conservation technologies; and promote and support water education within the Yuma area.
Total Federal assistance available is $190,00 0. Award of between 2 and 4 cooperative agreements will be made, generally not to exceed $80,00 0. Cooperative agreements will be awarded to responsive, responsible and eligible recipients and will be based on technical merit at the fixed assistance amount.
Cost sharing or cost matching is required.
All applications shall be reviewed and evaluated by a technical panel.
The total estimated program funding for fiscal year 2011 is anticipated to be $190,00 0. Funds for FY 2011 are currently not available.
Once the FY 2011 appropriations become available, awards will be made.
It is anticipated the funds and awards may become available in February 201 1.