EPA is soliciting proposals from eligible tribes and intertribal consortia to develop and/or implement watershed-based plans and other on-the-ground projects that will result in significant steps towards solving Nonpoint Source (NPS) impairments on a watershed-wide basis.
Eligible entities are
strongly encouraged to submit proposals that develop and/or implement watershed-based plans designed to protect unimpaired waters and restore NPS-impaired waters.
EPA believes that watershed-based plans provide the best means for preventing and resolving NPS problems and threats.
Watershed-based plans provide a coordinating framework for solving water quality problems by providing a specific geographic focus, integrating strong partnerships, integrating strong science and data, and coordinating priority setting and integrated solutions.
For an example of a tribal watershed-based plan, please refer to:
Eligible tribes and intertribal consortia may apply for competitive funding by submitting a proposal for up to a maximum budget of $150,000 of federal Clean Water Act (CWA) section 319 funding (plus the additional required match of the total project cost).