This is a notice of intent to award single source cooperative agreement to Ducks Unlimited without competition under justification 505DM 2. 1 4. B.2 and 4 in the approximate amount of $213,59 2. 0 0. The Service will be substantially involved under this funding opportunity.
for these awards is not practical as this is a continuation of an existing project.
During phase 1 of this restoration project a portion of future phases of work have been surveyed, engineered, and designed (including a new dike, barrier protection islands within Maankiki marsh, and removal of an existing dike).
These funds will be utilized to complete phase II surveying, design, and engineering work associated with this hydrologic reconnection and wetland restoration project.
Ducks Unlimited will provide technical guidance as FWS implements the unfinished portions of phase 1. Ducks Unlimited is uniquely qualified to conduct this project because they surveyed, engineered, and designed phase 1 of this restoration plan.
They are intimately familiar with site specific conditions (e.g., soils, complex hydrology, local/state/federal regulations to complete a project of this scale), which will result in cost savings for phase II.
Engineering/design concepts and plans from phase 1 will be utilized and implemented in phase II restoration planning and design, the information and plans from phase 1 are essential components of the successful completion of phase II.