Funds under this award are to be used to provide free science-based laboratory and field research experience for 18 science teachers and approximately 800 students from Title 1 schools in San Diego and Los Angeles Counties.
The project will provide innovative and relevant professional development
experiences for California science teachers as well as authentic and meaningful hands on research opportunities for students for those teachers.
Relevant Nonprofit Program Categories
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Additional Information of Eligibility:Other Eligible Applicants include the following: Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian Serving Institutions; Hispanic-serving Institutions; Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs); Tribally Controlled Colleges and Universities (TCCUs) ; Under the general research support authority of Section 301(a) (3) of the Public Health Service Act, High End Instrumentation Grant awards are made to public and non-profit domestic institutions only.
These institutions include health professional schools, other academic institutions, hospitals, health departments, and research organizations.
Note that Federal institutions, foreign institutions and for-profit institutions are not eligible to apply.
A Federal institution is defined by the NIH as a Cabinet-level department or independent agency of the executive branch of the Federal Government or any component organization of such a department or agency.
Foreign (non-U.S.) components of U. S. Organizations are not allowed.
Full Opportunity Web Address:Contact: Agency Email Description: Agency Email:
Date Posted: 2017-07-05
Application Due Date: 2017-07-11
Archive Date: 2017-07-13