This announcement is the full announcement.
The tasks to be performed under this agreement are as follows:
a working group facilitator is essential to oversee the complex steps associated with development and implementation of an oral bait plague vaccine for prairie dog (ecosystem) protection.
It is anticipated that this product may be tested for efficacy in the field, evaluated for its impacts on non target species, evaluated pursuant to various environmental compliance regulations, and addressed for other related considerations.
Stake holders on this work group, and the partners who they represent, will work cooperatively to address necessary concerns, avoid duplicative efforts, and share information for the potential operational use of this product to support black-footed ferret recovery and the many other species that depend on the prairie dog ecosystem.
This is a continuation of an existing agreement between the US Fish and Wildlife Service and Western Association of Wildlife Agencies.
This Single Source Award is being made in accordance with Department of the Interior Policy 505 DM 2. 14 B (2) Continuation, which allows for award without competition to an applicant as this activity is a continuation of an activity presently being funded, and for which competition would have a significant adverse effect on the continuity or completion of the activity.