The Administration for Children and Families (ACF), Office of Child Support Enforcement (OCSE) invites eligible applicants to submit competitive grant applications to evaluate the National Child Support Noncustodial Parent Employment Demonstration Projects, advertised under the forecast for the funding
opportunity announcement HHS-2012-ACF-OCSE-FD-029 7. This evaluation will serve to inform state child support agencies conducting national child support noncustodial parent employment demonstrations about the effectiveness of these programs and common implementation challenges and successes.
Over the five year project period, this cooperative agreement will allow the selected state agency to use this federal grant award and the Federal Financial Participation associated with Section 1115 grant funds to procure and manage a multi-site impact and implementation evaluation through an independent third-party evaluator (i.e., a university or research firm).
OCSE anticipates that the evaluation will utilize a random assignment design in which eligible noncustodial parents are randomly assigned into treatment and control groups in each of the demonstration sites.
The evaluation will also include an implementation study component and a benefit and cost analysis.
The selected evaluator will also provide evaluation-related guidance and assistance to the demonstration grantees.
The state agency awarded funds under this announcement shall be responsible for the management and oversight of the third-party evaluator.