This agreement is being implemented to restore Rio Grande cutthroat trout to the headwaters of Santa Clara Creek and Pond # 4. The existing spillway at Pond #4 will be removed and replaced with a permanent barrier structure installed.
If the existing spillway structure is not replaced, non-native
trout may gain access to the reclaimed waters above Pond #4 and prevent establishment of a pure population of the native species.
The permanent structure will have vertical drop greater than five feet and a constructed splash pad below the drop to prevent the development of pools.
Rio Grande cutthroat trout are scheduled to be reintroduced in 2010 after mechanical and chemical renovations to remove existing non-native trout are completed.
This project will provide up to 7 miles of stream habitat for the Rio Grande cutthroat trout.
The project would also allow the establishment of a native trout recreational fishery in Pond # 4.