NOAA announces the availability of Pacific Coastal Salmon Recovery Funding (PCSRF), as authorized in the Northern Boundary and Transboundary Rivers Restoration and Enhancement Fund and Southern Boundary Restoration and Enhancement Fund (16 U.S.C.
3645 (d)(2)), to support the restoration and conservation
of Pacific salmon and steelhead populations and their habitat.
The program makes funding available to the States of Alaska, Washington, Oregon, Idaho, California and Nevada and Federally-recognized tribes of the Columbia River and Pacific Coast for projects necessary for conservation of salmon and steelhead populations that are listed as threatened or endangered, or identified by a State as at-risk to be so-listed; for maintaining populations necessary for exercise of tribal treaty fishing rights or native subsistence fishing; or for conservation of Pacific coastal salmon and steelhead habitat.
This announcement outlines the guidelines that will be used to distribute funding to eligible entities.