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Pacific Coast Salmon Recovery_Pacific Salmon Treaty Program Grants
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Pacific Coastal Salmon Recovery Fund
NOAA announces the availability of Federal funding, authorized pursuant to Public Law 114-254 (Further Continuing and Security Assistance Appropriations Act, 2017) , for necessary expenses associated...morePosted On - 2017-01-18
Pacific Coastal Salmon Recovery Fund (PCSRF)
NOAA announces the availability of Federal funding, authorized pursuant to Fiscal Year 2016 Public Law(Omnibus and Continuing Appropriations Resolution, 2016) , for necessary expenses associated...morePosted On - 2016-02-03
Pacific Coastal Salmon Recovery Fund
NOAA announces the availability of Federal funding, authorized pursuant to Public Law 113-235 (Omnibus and Continuing Appropriations Resolution, 2015), for necessary expenses associated with the...morePosted On - 2015-01-23
Pacific Coastal Salmon Recovery Fund
NOAA announces the availability of Federal funding, authorized pursuant to Public Law 112-55 (Consolidated and Further Continuing Appropriations Act, 2012 ), for necessary expenses associated with...morePosted On - 2013-01-09
Pacific Coastal Salmon Recovery Fund
NOAA announces the availability of Federal funding, authorized pursuant to Public Law 113-6 (Consolidated and Further Continuing Appropriations Act, 2013), for necessary expenses associated with the...morePosted On - 2014-01-16
Pacific Coastal Salmon Recovery Fund
NOAA announces the availability of Federal funding, authorized pursuant to 16 U.S.C. 3645(d)(2) and Public Law 112-55 (Consolidated and Further Continuing Appropriations Act, 2012), for necessary...morePosted On - 2012-03-09
Pacific Coastal Salmon Recovery Fund
NOAA announces the availability of Pacific Coastal Salmon Recovery Funding (PCSRF), as authorized in the Northern Boundary and Transboundary Rivers Restoration and Enhancement Fund and Southern...morePosted On - 2011-01-10
Pacific Coastal Salmon Recovery Fund
NOAA publishes this notice to amend the Federal Funding Opportunity (NMFS-NWRO-2009-2001656) entitled ``Pacific Coastal Salmon Recovery Fund 2009'' which was originally announced in the...morePosted On - 2009-01-05
Social Entrepreneurship
SiMPACT ponders on the importance of data in philanthropy after an episode of the This American Life (#503 – I was Just Trying to Help), an episode which portrays an organization with a not-so conventional idea about charity.