Water reclamation and reuse research helps states, tribes, and local communities tackle water supply challenges. Research funded under the Title XVI Program (Title XVI Research) supports the...more
Water reclamation and reuse feasibility studies help states, tribes, and local communities tackle water supply challenges. Feasibility studies funded under the Title XVI Program support the...more
Under Title XVI of Public Law 102-575 (Title XVI), Reclamation works to identify and investigate opportunities to reclaim and reuse wastewater and naturally impaired ground and surface water in the...more
Under Title XVI of Public Law 102-575 (Title XVI), Reclamation works to identify and investigate opportunities to reclaim and reuse wastewater and naturally impaired ground and surface water in the...more
Under Title XVI of Public Law 102-575 (Title XVI), Reclamation works to identify and investigate opportunities to reclaim and reuse wastewater and naturally impaired ground and surface water in the...more
The Bureau of Reclamation's (Reclamation's) Title XVI Water Reclamation and Reuse program (Title XVI) is an important part of WaterSMART. For purposes of the Title XVI Program, a water...more
SiMPACT ponders on the importance of data in philanthropy after an episode of the This American Life (#503 – I was Just Trying to Help), an episode which portrays an organization with a not-so conventional idea about charity.