Central America possesses one of the richest concentrations of species and ecosystem diversity on Earth. The regionâ¿¿s forests serve as irreplaceable flyways for migratory birds, provide...more
Program Authorizing Statute: Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended (16 U.S.C. 1531-43) South America is home to some of the most biologically rich sites in the world. The region’s...more
I. Description of Funding Opportunity Central America possesses one of the richest concentrations of species and ecosystem diversity on Earth. The regionâ¿¿s forests serve as irreplaceable...more
Program Goal: Conserve priority species, habitats and ecological processes in landscapes with high biodiversity value in South America. Program Objective: Support projects that address the...more
From coral reefs and lowland rainforests to pine savannas, grasslands and high mountain forest, Central America is home to some of the richest forest and marine ecosystems on earth. Although the...more
Spanning Central America, South America and the Caribbean islands, the Latin America and Caribbean region is home to some of the most biologically and culturally rich sites in the world. The...more
This Single Source Award is being made in accordance with Department of Interior Policy 505 DM 2.14 B(1), which allows for the continuation of an activity we are funding. One of the primary,...more
Bina Sitaram, a 40-year old former senior garment technician in the fashion industry, has created a social enterprise that affords young students lessons in healthy living by holding gardening, cooking and arts and crafts sessions.