This program supports education and training for future nuclear scientists, engineers and policy-makers who are attending U.S. universities and colleges in nuclear-related graduate, undergraduate and...more
DOE-NE, through the NSUF, is currently seeking information regarding existing nuclear energy research materials and specimens that can, potentially, be added to the NFML and future needs for nuclear...more
The Department of Energy’s (DOE) Office of Nuclear Energy (NE) conducts crosscutting nuclear energy research and development (R&D) and associated infrastructure support activities to develop...more
The Department of Energy’s (DOE) Office of Nuclear Energy (NE) conducts crosscutting nuclear energy research and development (R&D) and associated infrastructure support activities to develop...more
Department of Energy (DOE) has mission-specific workforce needs in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) fields and a responsibility to support the training of the next generation of STEM...more
The Department of Energy’s (DOE) Office of Nuclear Energy (NE) conducts crosscutting nuclear energy research and development (R&D) and associated infrastructure support activities to develop...more
University, National Laboratory, Industry, and International Entities Input to the Office of Nuclear Energy’s Competitive Research and Development Work Scope Development - DOE is seeking ideas in...more
DOE is seeking information, comments, feedback, and recommendations from interested parties to determine what capabilities supporting research, training and technology demonstration are of highest...more
This program supports education and training for future nuclear scientists, engineers and policy-makers who are attending U.S. universities and colleges in nuclear-related graduate, undergraduate and...more
The position young people are dealt with can be complex, and yet the entire economic system is still focused for an age that’s almost gone astray. The solution? Promoting social enterprise and getting these young people integrated into work.