This  announcement solicits applications for the Health Workforce Research Center (HWRC) Cooperative Agreement Program. Program Purpose Under Section 761(c) of the Public Health Service Act, as...more
This announcement solicits applications for the Health Workforce Research Center (HWRC) program.  The HWRC program is designed to support rigorous, policy-oriented data collection, analysis and...more
The purpose of the HWRC Cooperative Agreement Program is to increase the amount of high quality, impartial, policy-relevant research on the health workforce available to assist decision-makers at the...more
The purpose of the HWRC Cooperative Agreement Program is to support and disseminate rigorous and state-of-the-art applied research that strengthens evidence-based policy and enhances the Federal...more
The overarching purpose of the HWRC Cooperative Agreement Program is to: A. Collect, analyze, and report health workforce program data to the National Center for Health Workforce Analysis and to...more
The position young people are dealt with can be complex, and yet the entire economic system is still focused for an age that’s almost gone astray. The solution? Promoting social enterprise and getting these young people integrated into work.