To plan, develop, and operate a program for the training in oral health care providers who plan to teach in general, pediatric, public health dentistry, or dental hygiene; and to provide financial...more
To meet the costs of projects to establish, maintain, or improve predoctoral and post doctoral training in primary care programs. Please note that the estimated amount of funding and number of...more
A grant may be awarded to a program of general, pediatric, or public health dentistry described in subsection to plan, develop, and operate a loan repayment program under which individuals agree to...more
To meet the costs of projects to establish, maintain, or improve dental faculty development programs in primary care which may be departments, divisions or other units. Please note that the...more
This announcement solicits applications under the Recovery Act for Training in Primary Care Medicine to support Residency Training in Primary Care. More specifically, funds may be used to plan,...more
This announcement solicits applications under the Recovery Act for Training in Primary Care Medicine and Dentistry to support Interdiciplinary and Interprofessional Graduate Joint Degree programs. ...more
This announcement solicits applications under the Recovery Act for Training in Primary Care Medicine to support Physician Assistant Training. More specifically funds may be used to plan, develop,...more
This announcement solicits applications under the Recovery Act for Training in Primary Care Medicine to support Predoctoral Training. More specifically funds may be used to plan, develop, and...more
This announcement solicits applications under the Recovery Act for Training in Primary Care Medicine to support academic administrative units. More specifically, funds may be used to establish,...more
SiMPACT ponders on the importance of data in philanthropy after an episode of the This American Life (#503 – I was Just Trying to Help), an episode which portrays an organization with a not-so conventional idea about charity.