This announcement solicits applications for the Native Hawaiian Health Care Improvement Act program. The Native Hawaiian Health Care Improvement Act (NHHCIA), as amended (42 U.S.C. 11701 - 11714),...more
This announcement solicits applications for the Native Hawaiian Health Care Improvement Act program. The Native Hawaiian Health Care Improvement Act (NHHCIA), as amended (42 U.S.C. 11701 and...more
The Native Hawaiian Health Care Improvement Act (NHHCIA), as amended (42 U.S.C. 11705 and 11706), states that it is the policy of the United States in fulfillment of its special responsibilities...more
The Native Hawaiian Health Care Improvement Act (NHHCIA), as amended (42 U.S.C. 11705 and 11706), states that "it is the policy of the United States in fulfillment of its special responsibilities and...more
The Native Hawaiian Health Care Improvement Act (NHHCIA), as amended (42 USC Sec. 11705 and 11706), states that "it is the policy of the United States in fulfillment of its special responsibilities...more
This Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) announces the opportunity to apply for funding under the Native Hawaiian Health Care Improvement Act (NHHCIA) program. The purpose of these Native Hawaiian...more
This notice solicits applications for the Native Hawaiian Health Care Improvement Act (NHHCIA) program. The NHHCIA, as amended (42 U.S.C. 11701 - 11714), states that "it is the policy of the...more
This notice announces the opportunity for Native Hawaiian Health Care Improvement Act (NHHCIA) current award recipients to apply for one-time funding under the fiscal year (FY) 2021 American Rescue...more
This notice announces the opportunity to apply for funding under the Native Hawaiian Health Care Improvement Act (NHHCIA) program. The NHHCIA, as amended (42 U.S.C. 11701 - 11714), states that...more
Bina Sitaram, a 40-year old former senior garment technician in the fashion industry, has created a social enterprise that affords young students lessons in healthy living by holding gardening, cooking and arts and crafts sessions.