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Solicitation for ROSES 2012: Astrophysics Explorer U.S. Participating Investigator

October 19, 2012 10:05 am Published by

Does the sun cause space weather?

National Aeronautics and Space Administration Headquarters is soliciting proposals for its Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences – 2012 (ROSES-2012) program.

This NASA Research Announcement (NRA) solicits proposals for supporting basic and applied research and technology across a broad range of Earth and space science program elements relevant to one or more of the following NASA Research Programs: Earth Science, Heliophysics, Planetary Science, and Astrophysics.

Supporting research in science and technology is an important part of NASA’s overall mission. NASA solicits this research through the release of various research announcements in a wide range of science and technology disciplines. NASA uses a peer review process to evaluate and select research proposals submitted in response to these research announcements.

For more information on this government grant visit:

Solicitation for ROSES 2012: Astrophysics Explorer U.S. Participating Investigator

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First Time Homebuyer Programs in District of Columbia
The Department of Housing and Community Development, more commonly referred to as DHCD, is a local government agency in the District of Columbia that is primarily responsible for increasing quality housing and community development opportunities.

Department of Housing and Urban Development: Energy Innovation Funds for Multifamily Pilot Program
Pursuant to the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2010, the Department of Housing and Urban Development(HUD), has recently announced a funding opportunity entitled Energy Innovation Fund: Multifamily Pilot Program.

Coastal Impact Assistance Program

The Fish and Wildlife Service has recently established the Coastal Impact Assistance Program wherein the agency will provide a ceiling budget amounting to $250 million to be utilized in conservation, protection, and preservation projects of coastal areas, including wetlands.

Effect of Physicochemical Properties of Ophthalmic Formulations on Ocular Bioavailability Program
In this capacity, the Food and Drug Administration has recently established the Effect of Physicochemical Properties of Ophthalmic Formulations on Ocular Bioavailability Program in an attempt to study the effects of various physicochemical properties of ophthalmic suspensions and emulsions on ocular bioavailability.

Solar Decathlon and Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Showcase Event
The Solar Decathlon and Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Showcase Event seeks to promote and encourage the outreach, education and economic benefits of energy security, as well as renewable energy and energy efficiency through the demonstration of various EERE technologies that can be utilized in the community.

The EPA’s Environmental Justice Small Grants Program

October 17, 2012 10:44 pm Published by

The Environmental Protection Agency has announced funding in the amount of $1,500,000 to support the Environmental Justice Small Grants Program.

The Environmental Justice Small Grants (EJSG) Program provides funding for eligible applicants for projects that address local environmental and public health issues within an affected community.

For more information on this government grant visit:

The EPA‘s Environmental Justice Small Grants Program

EPA Projects t Improve Urban Waters & Promote Community Revitalization.



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Pilot Studies of Innovative Treatments in Mental Disorders Project
The National Institutes of Health has recently collaborated with the National Institutes of Mental Health (NIMH) to establish the Pilot Studies of Innovative Treatments in Mental Disorders Program.

Grants and Loans From The Department of Energy
In 1977, the President of the United States of America signed the The Department of Energy Organization Act which mandated the creation of the United States Department of Energy, which more commonly known as DOE.

Zambia Economic Resilience Program for Improved Food Security
The Zambia Economic Resilience Program for Improved Food Security is designed to implement innovative techniques and approaches that would hopefully enable the community’s most vulnerable and poor rural families to improve food security by strengthening their economic resilience.

Early-Grade Reading Improvement Interventions Program
In line with this mission, the USAID has developed the Early-Grade Reading Improvement Interventions Program wherein they seek to solicit interventions that would improve the reading achievements in the early grades in Latin America and in the Caribbean region.

Migratory Bird Joint Ventures: Playa Lakes Joint Venture Base Operations
The Southwest Region of the US Fish and Wildlife Service is now seeking applications and proposals for the start of base operations, that is core support staff activities and functions, for the Playa Lakes Joint Venture partnership.

Support for Native American/Native Hawaiian Museum Services

October 17, 2012 2:59 pm Published by

Hawaiian Hula

The Institute of Museum and Library Services has announced funding to support the Native American/Native Hawaiian Museum Services.

Native American/Native Hawaiian Museum Services grants promote enhanced learning and innovation within museums and museum-related organizations, such as cultural centers organized by Native American tribes and organizations that primarily serve and represent Native Hawaiians.

For more information on this government grant visit:

Support for Native American/Native Hawaiian Museum Services

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7 Steps Towards Choosing The Perfect College
In most instances, the problem doesn’t stop with finances. Students often find it hard to choose the right school for them, pick the course that best suit their needs and abilities.

Health Resources and Services Administration: HIV Care Grant Program, Part B
Part B of the HIV Care Grant Program is designed to develop or improve the people’s access to a comprehensive continuum of high-quality, community-based care for low-income patients diagnosed with HIV.

Children Youth and Families At-Risk Sustainable Community Project
The The National Institute of Food and Agriculture, in close cooperation with the United States Department of Agriculture, has established a funding opportunity to support the Children Youth and Families At-Risk Sustainable Community Project (CYFAR).

US Environmental Protection Agency: Russian Arctic Black Carbon, Reduction of Black Carbon from Diesel Sources
The Artic Black Carbon: Reduction of Black Carbon from Diesel Sources project offers a funding opportunity to interested applicants as they work towards assessing primary black carbon sources in the Russian Arctic.

United States Agency for International Development: Citizen Engagement and Elections Project in Mongolia
The Citizen Engagement and Election Projects in Mongolia aims to encourage increased citizen participation, mobilization and education during the months prior to the Mongolian parliamentary elections in 2012.

Grants to Support the Neotropical Migratory Bird Conservation Program

October 17, 2012 2:43 pm Published by

Ruby-throated hummingbird. Credit: Bill Buchanan / USFWS

The Fish and Wildlife Service, within the Department of the Interior has announced funding in the amount of $3,785,000 to support the Neotropical Migratory Bird Conservation Program.

The United States Neotropical Migratory Bird Conservation Act established an annual, competitive grants program to support projects that promote the conservation of neotropical migratory birds and their habitats in the United States, Canada, Latin America and the Caribbean.

For more information on this government grant visit:

Grants to Support the Neotropical Migratory Bird Conservation Program

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Government Grants Within The United States Transportation Sector
Getting from point A to point B could be both the simplest and most complex issues to ever grace the existence of mankind. Though for the any government, especially the United States government which takes pride in the constantly ensuring the safety and welfare of its people, the issue of transportation is an entirely different story.

Conservation Innovation Grants Program
The Natural Resources Conservation Service in the state of Michigan has recently established the Conservation Innovation Grants(CIG) Program wherein it intends to stimulate the creation and adoption of innovative conservation approaches and initiatives.

Planning Grants for Hubs of Interdisciplinary Research and Training in Global Environmental and Occupational Health Project
The National Institutes of Health has collaborated with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to establish the Planning Grants for Hubs of Interdisciplinary Research and Training in Global Environmental and Occupational Health Project.

YouthBuild Grants Program
The Employment and Training Administration has recently established the YouthBuild Grants Program in an effort to financially support organizations that seek to oversee the provision of education, occupational skills training, and employment services to disadvantaged youth in their communities while performing meaningful work and service to their communities.

Exploratory Grant Award to Promote Workforce Diversity in Basic Cancer Research
The National Institutes of Health has formed a partnership with the National Cancer Institute(NCI) in an effort to establish the program entitled Exploratory Grant Award to Promote Workforce Diversity in Basic Cancer Research.

Solicitation of Interest in Participation in a Science Center on Jamaica Bay

October 15, 2012 1:24 pm Published by

Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge

The National Park Service, within the Department of the Interior is soliciting expressions of interest in a Jamaica Bay Science Center.

The City of New York, the U.S. Department of the Interior, and the National Park Service, are working together on an ambitious plan to turn federal, state and City-owned lands in Jamaica Bay into a new “jewel in the crown” of the national and City park systems.

For more information on this government grant visit:

Solicitation of Interest in Participation in a Science Center on Jamaica Bay

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National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences: Centers for Oceans and Human Health
The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences has recently established a funding opportunity entitled Centers for Oceans and Human Health which provide linkages between members of ocean sciences and biomedical communities in the hopes of supporting interdisciplinary studies in areas where thorough understanding of marine processes and ecosystems harbor the potential to reduce public health risks.

Grants From the Department of Housing and Urban Development
Iola Bonggay is an editor of one the the most comprehensive Websites offering information on government grants and federal government programs.

She also maintains Websites providing resources on environmental grants and grants for youth programs.

Business Loans From GovLoans
The government has launched innumerable programs that are all geared towards the achievement of this goal. Some of these programs involve the provision of technical assistance, training sessions, and strategies that would potentially help business owners in marketing their products and in expanding their businesses.

Government Grants Within The United States Humanities Sector
The field of humanities employs methods that are primarily analytical, critical, or speculative, as differentiated from the mainly empirical approaches of the natural sciences.

Financing Your Education – Federal Perkins Loans
The Federal Perkins Loan Program helps those undergraduate postsecondary students that cannot afford their educational expenses without financial assistance with a low interest loan. The loan is in place to help them meet their educational expenses to the completion of a postsecondary degree.

USAID Support for the Regional Climate Change Program

October 15, 2012 1:09 pm Published by

USAID helped the Government of Mexico identify opportunities for wind farm development in the state of Oaxaca, catalyzing $2.5 billion in investments from the United States, Europe, and Mexico.

The United States Agency for International Development office in El Salvador through it Regional Strategy (E-CAM: El Salvador, Central America and Mexico Regional Strategy) is seeking applications from organizations to implement a Regional Climate Change Program to support development objectives of USAID Missions under E-CAM Regional Strategy for a 60 month period.

The USAID/E-CAM Regional Program resources are focused on economic growth and development, and humanitarian assistance and crisis response. Recognizing the importance of the Central America-Dominican Republic Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA-DR), USAID/E-CAM is supporting several activities to help prepare Central American countries for the challenges related to implementation, including cleaner production activities.

As part of its economic growth activities, USAID/E-CAM is supporting management of critical watersheds, which will be achieved by securing the financial sustainability of these protected areas, implementing consistent watershed management plans, and increasing the use of private voluntary mechanisms.

For more information on this government grant visit:

USAID Support for the Regional Climate Change Program

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Health Resources and Services Administration: Affordable Care Act – Immediate Facility Improvements Program
The HRSA administers health care grants to eligible individuals, in order to help them obtain safe and quality care through the Affordable Care Act Capital Development (Immediate Facility Improvements Program).

Grants From The Department Of The Interior
The United States gives great importance to the natural resources of the country, including federal lands and cultural heritage and native tribal communities. In fact, the federal government has constituted an independent agency that would be responsible for the management and conservation of these resources.

Agriculture and Food Research Initiative: National Institute of Food and Agriculture Fellowships Grant Program
The Agriculture and Food Research Initiative grant program revolves around the premise of providing funds to both fundamental and applied research studies, education, and extension that would hopefully address concerns related to food and agricultural sciences.

Disaster Relief Loans from GovLoans
GovLoans is a website created by the United States Federal Government that is designed to serve as the public’s gateway to loan program information. One of the several kinds of loans that are featured in the GovLoans website are Disaster Relief loans.

Cancer Research Network: a Research Resource within Health Care Delivery System
In cooperation with the National Cancer Institute, the National Institute of Health has recently announced a funding opportunity to support the Cancer Research Network(CRN) in its quest in reshaping the its organization to become a more broader resource for cancer researchers.

Agriculture Department Higher Education Challenge Grants Program

October 11, 2012 1:28 pm Published by

USDA assisting veterans start or continue farming and ranching operations

The National Institute of Food and Agriculture, within the Department of Agriculture has announced funding in the amount of $4,770,000 to support the Higher Education Challenge Grants Program.

Projects supported by the program must involve creative or non-traditional approaches toward addressing a State, regional, national, or international educational need and serve as a model to others.

For more information on this government grant visit:

Agriculture Department Higher Education Challenge Grants Program

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Minority Business Enterprise Centers for Minority-Owned Businesses
The The Minority Business Development Agency has recently constituted the Minority Business Enterprise Centers (MBEC) Program wherein it aims to support minority-owned businesses by providing them with electronic and one-on-one business development services for a reasonably nominal fee.

Grants for Woman Head of Households
Being a single mom these days can be so tedious, generally statistics say that single moms are one of the most disadvantaged parties in the United States….

Government Grants – What are they and how to get them ?
None of these Government Grants require a credit check, collateral, security deposits or co-signers, you can apply even if you have a bankruptcy or bad credit, it doesn’t matter. Its Free Money Never…

Special Research Grants Program – Pest Management Alternatives
The National Institute of Food and Agriculture has recently established the Special Research Grants Program – Pest Management Alternatives in an attempt to provide support for the development and implementation of integrated pest management practices, tactics and systems for specific pest problems while at simultaneously reducing human and environmental risks.

Health Resources and Services Administration: HIV Care Grant Program, Part B
Part B of the HIV Care Grant Program is designed to develop or improve the people’s access to a comprehensive continuum of high-quality, community-based care for low-income patients diagnosed with HIV.

Federal Government Grant and Assistance Programs

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Edited by: Michael Saunders

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