Established in 1862, the Department of Agriculture serves all Americans through anti-hunger efforts, stewardship of nearly 200 million acres of national forest and rangelands, and through product safety and conservation efforts. The USDA opens markets for American farmers and ranchers and provides food for needy people around the world.
Not Applicable.
Uses and Use Restrictions
Assistance will be provided for eligible trees, bushes, and vines from which an annual crop is produced for commercial purposes.
Nursery trees include ornamental, fruit, nut and Christmas trees produced for commercial sale.
Trees used for pulp or timber are ineligible.
Eligibility Requirements
Applicant Eligibility
An eligible applicant is an orchardist or a nursery tree grower who has planted trees for commercial purposes but lost the trees as a direct result of a natural disaster.
The term "tree" includes a tree, bush, and vine.
An eligible orchardists is a person who produces annual crops from trees for commercial use.
An eligible nursery tree grower is a person who produces nursery, ornamental fruit, nut or Christmas trees for commercial sale.
Beneficiary Eligibility
Beneficiary eligibility will be provided to an owner who has trees, bushes or vines lost by a natural disaster who suffer qualifying losses in excess of 15 percent (adjusted for normal mortality) from an eligible natural disaster for the individual stand; must have owned the eligible trees, bushes and vines when the natural disaster occurred; however, eligible growers are not required to own the land on which eligible trees, bushes and vines are planted; and must replace eligible trees, bushes and vines within 12 months from the date the application is approved.
In general, orchardists and nursery tree growers must have obtained a policy or plan of insurance for all their insurable or NAP eligible crops through either Federal Crop Insurance Act or FSA"s Non-insured Crop Disaster Assistance Program (NAP). Eligible producers who meet the definition of "Socially Disadvantaged", "Limited Resource", or "Beginning Farmer or Rancher" do not have to meet this requirement. This program is excluded from coverage under OMB Circular No. A-87.
Aplication and Award Process
Preapplication Coordination
Preapplication coordination is not applicable.
Environmental impact information is not required for this program.
This program is excluded from coverage under E.O.
Application Procedures
This program is excluded from coverage under OMB Circular No. A-102. This program is excluded from coverage under OMB Circular No. A-110. For 2009 through 2011 TAP payment limitations, no person or legal entity may receive, directly or indirectly, more than $100,000 per program year. For 2008, payments are limited per "person" according to payment limitations rules in effect for 2008. For cumulative total quantity of acres planted to trees, bushes, or vines where a producer may receive TAP payments for losses occurring between January 1, 2008 and September 30, 2011, cannot exceed 500 acres. The Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) limitations for 2009 and subsequent program years for producers or legal entities whose average non farm AGI exceeds $500,000 are not eligible and for the 2008 program year, producers are not eligible if their average AGI is $2.5 million or greater, unless 75% or more of their AGI is from agriculture.
In order for a participant to obtain a TAP payment, the eligible applicant must (1) File an application (FSA-899) at the FSA administrative county office that maintains the applicants farm records for the agricultural operation, within the applicable sign-up deadline. A complete application includes, a completed Form FSA-899; certification that Risk Management Purchase Requirement has been met on all crops on the farm; must have an acreage report for the farming operation; a written estimate of the number of trees, bushes, or vines lost or damaged is certified by the producer or a qualified expert, including the number of acres on which the loss occurred; and sufficient evidence of the loss to allow the county FSA committee to calculate whether an eligible loss occurred. (2) FSA staff will make a field visit and validate which practices are appropriate to address the losses. After verification, FSA will inform the producer of the approved eligible practices and estimated payment. Additional information may be requested to assist FSA representative in making its determination. (3) Applicant must complete the approved practices within 12 months of FSA approval. Payments will be made after all practices are completed on the stand. Producers that suffer multiple losses during the calendar year may file multiple applications for payment.
Award Procedures
For tree, bush or vine replacement including replanting and the cost of seedlings, the payment calculation is the lesser of the following:
1) 70% of the actual cost of the practice, or
2) the amount calculated for each practice using the established rates.
3) For salvaging existing trees, bushes, or vines, including the cost of pruning, removal, or
other costs, the payment calculation is the lesser of the following: 50% of the actual cost
of the practice, or the amount calculated for each practice using the established rates.
May 10, 2010 to Jul 06, 2010 orchardists and nursery tree growers may apply to receive TAP benefits at local FSA county offices beginning May 10, 2010. For losses suffered during calendar year 2008 and 2009 and for losses suffered January 01 2010 through May 7, 2010, applications and supporting documentation must be submitted by July 6, 2010. For those losses that occur after May 7, 2010, applications and supporting documentation must be submitted within 90 days from either the date of the disaster or when the disaster becomes apparent to the producer.
Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008 (2008 Farm Bill), Title XII, Part A, Section 12033 and 15101, Public Law 110-246, 7 U.S.C 1501; The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA), Public Law 111-5.
Range of Approval/Disapproval Time
From 30 to 60 days.
Not Applicable.
Not Applicable.
Assistance Considerations
Formula and Matching Requirements
Statutory formulas are not applicable to this program.
Matching requirements are not applicable to this program.
MOE requirements are not applicable to this program.
Length and Time Phasing of Assistance
The orchardist or nursery tree grower must replace eligible trees, bushes and vines within 12 months from the date the application is approved. Payment is made by check or direct deposit after determining applicant eligibility. Method of awarding/releasing assistance: lump sum.
Post Assistance Requirements
Not Applicable.
No audits are required for this program.
Applicants receiving assistance for TAP shall maintain and retain financial books and records which will permit verification of all transactions for at least 3 years, following the end of the calendar year in which assistance was provided.
Financial Information
Account Identification
12-5531-0-3-351 - The Agricultural Disaster Relief Trust Fund.
(Direct Payments with Unrestricted Use) FY 09 $0; FY 10 est $5,000,000; FY 11 est $5,000,000
Range and Average of Financial Assistance
No Data Available.
Regulations, Guidelines, and Literature
Program is announced through press releases, news media, and newsletters.
Information Contacts
Regional or Local Office
See Regional Agency Offices.
Headquarters Office
Lenior J. Simmons, USDA, DAFP, PECD, GRS, 1400 Independence Ave SW Stop 0517, Washington, District of Columbia 20250 Email: Phone: (202) 720-9070.
Criteria for Selecting Proposals
Not Applicable.
Tom’s, the social enterprise popular for its shoes, has released a pair of shoes and a pair of shades to benefit Make It Right, a nonprofit founded by Brad Pitt in 2007 that builds affordable, green homes, buildings and communities for underserved and low-income populations.