Geomorphology projects, Fish Hatchery work (Raising and monitoring endangered Fish), Water Temp and Data Collection, Identification of characteristics of species spawning, population and habitat, Channel Morphology, Assessing population of endangered species and trophy fish, Habitat mapping, Rearing Pond Improvements, and Research Support for a Larval Fish Lab.
The Department of the Interior protects and provides access to the Nation's natural and cultural heritage, including responsibilities to Indian tribes and island communities. Departmental goals include resource protection and usage, overseeing recreational opportunities, serving communities and excellence in management.
No applications were received in FY 2006. In prior years, an average of approximately 121 scopes of work per year are funded for both the Upper Colorado and the San Juan Programs.
Uses and Use Restrictions
The Recovery Implementation Programs are designed to help recover the Colorado Pikeminnow, the Razorback Sucker, Bonytail, and the Humpback Chub while allowing water development to continue in the Upper Colorado and San Juan River Basins.
The term "Recovery Implementation Programs" means the intergovernmental programs established pursuant to the 1988 and 1992 Cooperative Agreement described in Section 2 of the Act.
The major portion of the work (between 90 percent to 97 percent) will be accomplished through mandatory grant and cooperative agreement awards established by these intergovernmental Cooperative Agreements.
The types of projects authorized by these Cooperative Agreements include Administration of Water Rights; Oversight of the Development of Water Resources; Protection and Management of Fish and Wildlife Resources; Projects related to Tribal Sovereignty; Long Range Plan and Program Goal Development; Protection, Management and Augmentation of Habitat; Interactions Between Native and Non-Native Fish Species; and Monitoring and Data Management.
Periodically, the Bureau of Reclamation will have discretionary funding available to make awards for certain types of projects.
When this project funding becomes available, funding opportunity announcements will be posted to
Eligibility Requirements
Applicant Eligibility
Federal and non-Federal entities.
Beneficiary Eligibility
Indian Tribes in the location of the San Juan River Basin and in the Duchesne River Basin, and the general public.
Aplication and Award Process
Preapplication Coordination
Depending on the project to be accomplished, an environmental impact statement may be required for this program, but not until after receipt of applications.
This program is eligible for coverage under E.O.
12372, Intergovernmental Review of Federal Programs.
Application Procedures
All discretionary funding opportunities will be posted on The funding opportunity will include the name of the Federal agency, the Funding Opportunity Title of work associated with the project, the application due date, eligible applicants, the federal funding amounts per agreement, the estimated number of agreements to be awarded, and the overall total amount of funding available for awards. All applicants, whether submitting projects under the mandatory or discretionary portions of this authority, will be required to submit a Standard Form 424, Application for Federal Assistance, and Standard Forms 424B or 424D for Assurances must also be submitted. A detailed budget worksheet guide form will be included to assist in preparation of the budgeted amount requested. The Funding Opportunity posting will identify the program description, background and purpose, program objectives, objective or request for proposals, eligible projects, types of projects, and program authority. General provisions and special provisions, along with reporting requirements will be identified to provide applicants with information that must be followed if an award is made. The funding opportunity will identify a point of contact for assistance or consultation for preparing the form.
Award Procedures
Upon receipt of applications by the date identified in the announcement(s), the applications will be reviewed to determine if applications are consistent with requirements identified in the announcements. The application/proposal(s) are reviewed by a Federal technical team of experts (along with state and private advisors) against identified criteria. Negotiations, revised applications, or awards will be made based on recommendations from the technical experts. Proposals submitted under the mandatory authority portion of this program will undergo a similar review and screening procedure.
Any required deadlines for discretionary projects will be posted at
Upper Colorado and San Juan River Basins Endangered Fish Recovery Programs, Public Law 106-392, 114 Stat. 1602, as amended; Upper Colorado and San Juan River Basins Endangered Fish Recovery Programs Extension, Public Law 107-375, 116 Stat. 3113.
Range of Approval/Disapproval Time
90 Days.
Not applicable. The Bureau of Reclamation will, however, provide all applicants with information on why their proposals were not selected.
Assistance Considerations
Formula and Matching Requirements
Non-Federal contributions to capital projects shall be made in accordance with the provisions of Section 3(c) of the Act. Contact the Regional Office listed in the contacts section, below, for further information regarding cost sharing requirements.
Length and Time Phasing of Assistance
Cooperative agreements and grants are normally written for a 1 to 5 year period.
Post Assistance Requirements
Unless otherwise stated in the agreement document, recipients shall submit the following reports on a quarterly basis: (1) SF-269/SF-269a Financial Status Reports, (2) SF-272 Report of Federal Cash Transactions, and (3) program performance reports.
Annually, recipients shall submit an annual program performance report.
Upon completion of the agreement, recipients shall submit final: (1) SF-269/SF-269a Financial Status Report, (2) final program performance report, and (3) other specific reports that may be applicable to the agreement such as property inventories, and patent and invention disclosures.
In accordance with the provisions of OMB Circular No. A-133 (Revised, June 27, 2003), "Audits of States, Local Governments, and Nonprofit Organizations," nonfederal entities that expend financial assistance ($500,000 for fiscal years ending after December 1, 2003) or more a year in Federal awards will have a single or a program specific audit conducted for that year. Nonfederal entities that expend less than ($500,000 for fiscal years ending after December 1, 2003) a year in Federal awards are exempt from Federal audit requirements for that year, except as noted in Circular No. A-133.
The Recipient shall maintain a complete, detailed accounting system to report expenditures of grant funds and accomplishments, or awards achieved under the award. Records, accounts, and supporting documents must be retained for 3 years after final request of reimbursement.
Financial Information
Account Identification
FY 07 $11,480,000; FY 08 est $1,600,000; and FY 09 est $1,900,000.
Range and Average of Financial Assistance
From $16,080 to $289,394; with an average of $136,808.
Regulations, Guidelines, and Literature
43 CFR 12,; OMB Circulars,; these documents may also be obtained by contacting the Bureau of Reclamation Office listed below.
Information Contacts
Regional or Local Office
Brent Uilenberg, 2764 Compass Drive, Grand Junction, CO 81506, Telephone: (970) 248-0641, E-mail:
Headquarters Office
Criteria for Selecting Proposals
Specific evaluation criteria will be included in the funding announcement posted on
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