The Department of the Interior protects and provides access to the Nation's natural and cultural heritage, including responsibilities to Indian tribes and island communities. Departmental goals include resource protection and usage, overseeing recreational opportunities, serving communities and excellence in management.
In fiscal year 2007, 45 awards were made to State geological surveys which matched every federal dollar with a State dollar. EDMAP: In fiscal year 2007, a total of 58 students from 30 universities were funded. Each federal dollar was matched 1:1 by a university dollar.
Uses and Use Restrictions
STATEMAP Two types of projects are supported by this program: (1) those which produce new geologic maps with attendant explanatory information, and (2) those which compile existing geologic data in a digital form at a scale of 1 to 100,000 for inclusion in the National Geologic Map Database.
Only one application will be accepted from each State, however, each proposal can have four sub- projects; three for new geologic mapping and one for compilation.
State proposals cannot include in-kind services by the Geological Survey.
Travel to meetings of professional societies is not an acceptable expense for the program, nor are funds intended for the purchase of computer hardware, software, or other nonexpendable property.
EDMAP Only one cooperative agreement will be awarded to each academic institution, but the agreement may consist of more than one project, more than one faculty supervisor and several students.
Proposals cannot include a request for in-kind services by the Geological Survey.
Funds are not intended for the purchase of capital equipment.
Eligibility Requirements
Applicant Eligibility
STATEMAP program is restricted by statute to State geological surveys.
Where State surveys are organized under a State university system, an application may be submitted by a State college or university on behalf of the State geological survey.
EDMAP program is restricted to universities with geoscience or related departments or programs.
Beneficiary Eligibility
State geological surveys participating in this program and the general public will ultimately benefit from this program.
Proposals for STATEMAP must include a letter of support from the State Geologic Mapping Advisory Committee or equivalent to qualify for funding. Proposals for EDMAP must include a letter of support from a State Geologist or USGS Project Chief.
Aplication and Award Process
Preapplication Coordination
This program is excluded from coverage under E.O.
Application Procedures
Proposals must include copies of letters of support, figures, tables, and application form SF 424 and 424-B. Proposals including forms cannot exceed 35 pages for STATEMAP and 15 pages for EDMAP.
Award Procedures
Notification of an award is by receipt of a cooperative agreement signed by a contracting officer.
STATEMAP Each year the Requests for Proposals (RFP) will be distributed in early September. Applications must be received in early November (the exact date will be announced in the RFP). EDMAP Each year the Requests for Proposals (RFP) will be distributed in early September. Applications must be received in early November (the exact date will be announced in the RFP).
National Geologic Mapping Reauthorization Act of 1999, Public Law 106-148.
Range of Approval/Disapproval Time
STATEMAP Approval/disapproval will be announced by mid-February. EDMAP Approval/disapproval will be announced by late February.
STATEMAP Proposals must be submitted for a 1-year project period only. However, projects that were approved and funded during the previous fiscal year may be submitted as renewals (competing continuations). A completely new proposal subject to full review, must be submitted each year. EDMAP Proposals may be submitted which request performance periods of either 1 or 2 years. However, if approved the proposal will be funded for the first year only. Funding for year two will be determined through the annual competitive announcement.
Assistance Considerations
Formula and Matching Requirements
The STATEMAP program is required by Public Law 106-148 to be carried out on a 1:1 matching basis; each recipient must match each Federal dollar with a nonfederal dollar. The nonfederal share may be contributions of services or cash provided to contractors to perform geologic mapping or other services directly applicable to proposed work on the project. The specific source(s) of the State contribution, such as State legislative appropriation, must be provided in the proposal. The EDMAP program is required by Public Law 106-148 to be carried out on a 1:1 matching basis; each recipient must match each Federal dollar with a nonfederal dollar. The nonfederal share may be a contribution of funds or services. Such services can include those related to the student research project or cash provided to contractors, i.e., field assistants to perform geologic mapping or other services directly applicable to proposed work on the project.
Length and Time Phasing of Assistance
Cooperative agreements will normally be awarded in 12-month budget periods.
Post Assistance Requirements
STATEMAP and EDMAP All deliverables (geologic maps and accompanying information) are due on or before the last day of the grant year.
The recipient of the grant shall use Standard Form (SF) 270, Request for Advance or Reimbursement, to request payment under all resulting awards.
The SF-270 shall be submitted to the Administrative Contracting Officer (ACO) whose address will be identified in the award document.
Submit the SF-270 no more frequently than quarterly.
The recipient shall submit a completed SF-269A, Financial Status Report, to the ACO within ninety (90) days after the end of the performance period.
Applicants agree to give the sponsoring agency, the Comptroller General or other authorized audit agency access to and the right to examine records related to the award. Awards to educational institutions and nonprofit organizations are subject to the audit requirements of OMB Circular No. A-110, or superseding regulations. In accordance with the provisions of OMB Circular No. A-133 (Revised, June 27, 2003), "Audits of States, Local Governments, and Non-Profit Organizations", nonfederal entities that receive financial assistance of $500,000 or more in Federal awards will have a single or a program-specific audit conducted for that year. Nonfederal entities that expend less than $500,000 or more in Federal awards are exempt from Federal audit requirements for that year, except as noted in Circular No. A-133.
All records must be maintained for 3 years after submission of the final financial report.
Financial Information
Account Identification
(STATEMAP) FY 07 $6,202,882; FY 08 $6,489,290; and FY 09 est $6,500,000. (EDMAP) FY 07 $480,431; FY 08 $492,365; and FY 09 est $490,000.
Range and Average of Financial Assistance
STATEMAP The range of awards to State geological surveys in FY 08 was from $20,061 to $228,592. The average award in fiscal year 2007 was $147,883. EDMAP the range of awards to universities in fiscal year 2007 was from $5,881 to $14,972 per student. The average award in fiscal year 2007 was $12,832. The maximum award allowed per student is $15,000.
Regulations, Guidelines, and Literature
The program announcements are available on the Internet at and The FY 2009 announcements will be available at this site by September of 2008.
Information Contacts
Regional or Local Office
Headquarters Office
Program Coordinator of the National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program, Randall C. Orndorff, Geological Survey, National Center 908, 12201 Sunrise Valley Drive, Reston, VA 20192.
Criteria for Selecting Proposals
The criteria for selecting proposals for both STATEMAP and EDMAP are released in Geological Survey Program Announcements in mid summer and can be obtained from Lydia Quintana, Geological Survey, National Center 908, 12201 Sunrise Valley Drive, Reston, VA 20192, or can be found at
Tom’s, the social enterprise popular for its shoes, has released a pair of shoes and a pair of shades to benefit Make It Right, a nonprofit founded by Brad Pitt in 2007 that builds affordable, green homes, buildings and communities for underserved and low-income populations.