The Department of Veterans Affairs strives for excellence in patient care and veteran's benefits for its constituents through high quality, prompt and seamless service to United States veterans.
In fiscal year 2007, 27,560 patients were provided care in this program with an average daily census of 8,246. In fiscal years 2008 and 2009, it is estimated that 26,962 and 26,520 patients, respectively, will be provided care with an average daily census of 8,157 in 2008 and 8,072 in 2009.
Uses and Use Restrictions
VA and State Home Domiciliary care provides necessary inpatient medical care and physical, social and psychological support services in a therapeutic environment.
It also includes a program to prepare veterans who have the potential to function more independently to return to community living.
Eligibility Requirements
Applicant Eligibility
Veterans who meet VA eligibility requirements for VA healthhcare.
Veterans of the various military services who were discharged for a disability or are in receipt of disability compensation and suffering from a permanent disability, have no adequate means of support, are incapacitated from earning a living and meet certain other requirements.
Veterans with nonservice-connected disabilities that incapacitate them from earning a living, but which are not so severe as to require hospitalization, are also eligible if they are unable to defray the expense of domiciliary care and if they meet certain other requirements for care in a domiciliary.
An income limitation criterion is applied to all applicants.
Beneficiary Eligibility
Veterans meeting the above requirements.
Military discharge papers (DD214).
Aplication and Award Process
Preapplication Coordination
This program is excluded from coverage under E.O.
Application Procedures
Submit Application for Medical Benefits, VA Form 10-10, to nearest VA medical facility.
Award Procedures
Not applicable.
Public Laws 89-358, 94-581, and 100-322, Section 136, 38 U.S.C. 601 and 610; Executive Order 5398, July 21, 1930. Title 38 USC 1710, 1746-1748.
Range of Approval/Disapproval Time
Not applicable.
Not applicable.
Assistance Considerations
Formula and Matching Requirements
This program has no statutory formula or matching requirements.
Length and Time Phasing of Assistance
Not applicable.
Post Assistance Requirements
Financial Information
Account Identification
(Salaries and Expenses) FY 07 $379,248,000; FY 08 est $468,169,000; and FY 09 est $526,816,000.
Range and Average of Financial Assistance
Not applicable.
Regulations, Guidelines, and Literature
VA Manual M-5, Part IV "Domiciliary Program, Extended Care"; VA IS-1 Fact Sheet "Federal Benefits for Veterans and Dependents," available from the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402.
Information Contacts
Regional or Local Office
See Appendix IV, of the Catalog under Veterans Health Administration for Veterans Hospital Facilities.
Headquarters Office
Chief Consultant, Office of Mental Health Services, Department of Veterans Affairs (116), Washington, DC 20420. VA Director, Residential Rehabilitation and Treatment Services. Telephone: (202) 273-8443 or 8446.
Criteria for Selecting Proposals
Not applicable.
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