Program funds are used to establish or improve programs to meet the special educational needs of migratory children in such areas as academic instruction; remedial and compensatory instruction; bilingual and multicultural instruction; vocational instruction and career education services; special guidance, counseling, and testing services; health services; and preschool services.
The Department of Education ensures equal access to education and promotes educational excellence through coordination, management and accountability in Federal education programs. The Department works to supplement and complement educational efforts on all levels, encouraging increased involvement by the public, parents and students.
For the 2005 school year, approximately 737,700 full-time equivalent students received services.
Uses and Use Restrictions
Program funds are used to support high quality and comprehensive educational programs that address the needs of migratory children.
This program is subject to non-supplanting requirements and must use a restricted indirect cost rate which is referenced under 34 CFR 76-564-76.569.
For assistance call the Office of the Chief Financial Officer/Indirect Cost Group on (202) 708-7770.
Eligibility Requirements
Applicant Eligibility
State educational agencies or consortia of State educational agencies and other appropriate entities may apply.
Beneficiary Eligibility
Children, ages 0 through 21, of migratory agricultural workers or of migratory fishers, including children (i.e. persons under age 21) who are workers themselves and the spouses of such workers, who have moved across school district lines during the past 36 months to obtain temporary or seasonal employment in agriculture, fishing, or related food processing activities.
States are responsible for ensuring that information documenting a child's eligibility is recorded on a certificate of eligibility.
Aplication and Award Process
Preapplication Coordination
The State educational agency works closely with local educational agencies, IHEs, and public and nonprofit private agencies that serve migratory children.
This program is eligible for coverage under E.O.
12372, "Intergovernmental Review of Federal Programs." An applicant should consult the office or official designated as the single point of contact in his or her State for more information on the process the State requires to be followed in applying for assistance, if the State has selected the program for review.
Application Procedures
State educational agencies submit applications to the Department of Education that meet the requirements of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act and applicable regulations.
Award Procedures
The Department of Education notifies an approved State educational agency of its award.
Announced annually.
Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, Title I, Part C, as amended. 20 U.S.C. 6391 et seq.
Range of Approval/Disapproval Time
Approximately three months.
None. Applications can be submitted by State educational agencies for a multi-year period. However, the application must be updated to reflect significant changes. Funds are awarded on an annual basis.
Assistance Considerations
Formula and Matching Requirements
Funds are allocated through a statutory formula based on each State's per pupil expenditure and the number of eligible full-time and part-time equivalent migrant students aged three through twenty-one residing within the State. In determining the full-time and part-time equivalent number of migratory children who are in a State during the summer months, the Secretary adjusts the number to take into account the special needs of those children for summer and/or intersession programs and the additional costs of operating such programs during the summer. Beginning in 2003, each State will receive at least 100 percent of its fiscal year 2002 allocation and any amount in excess of that appropriation will be distributed by the formula included above.
Length and Time Phasing of Assistance
Twelve months. Unspent funds may be carried over into the next fiscal year.
Post Assistance Requirements
Each SEA receiving funds is required to submit an annual performance report that provides information on the number of children identified as eligible for the program, characteristics of children served the services provided, and staff.
In accordance with the Education Department General Administrative Regulations in the Appendix to 34 CFR 80, State and local governments that receive financial assistance of $500,000 or more within the State's fiscal year shall have an audit made for that year. State and local governments that receive between $25,000 and $500,000 within the State's fiscal year shall have an audit made in accordance with the Appendix to Part 80, or in accordance with Federal laws and regulations governing the programs in which they participate.
In accordance with the General Education Provisions Act and the Education Department General Administrative Regulations, certain program records must be maintained for 3 years.
Financial Information
Account Identification
(Grants) FY 07 $376,524,000; FY 08 est $369,771,000; and FY 09 est $399,771,000.
Range and Average of Financial Assistance
Average State award was $7,382,000 in fiscal year 2006. The awards ranged from $82,000 to $130,152,000.
Regulations, Guidelines, and Literature
34 CFR 200. For more information, contact the program office.
Information Contacts
Regional or Local Office
Headquarters Office
Office of Migrant Education, Office of Elementary and Secondary Education, Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, S.W., Washington, DC 20202-6135. Contact: Sam Harris. E-mail: Telephone: (202) 260-1334 or(800) 872-5327.
Criteria for Selecting Proposals
Not applicable.
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