Grant funds are being used to provide technical assistance and training to hundreds of local NGOs and NGO networks in Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, and Central America.
The Agency for International Development is an independent Federal government agency that provides economic and humanitarian assistance in more than 100 countries to ensure a better future for us all.
In Fiscal Year 2003, 13 cooperative agreements were awarded for FY 2003 through FY 2008.
Uses and Use Restrictions
Funds are authorized through cooperative agreements with U. S. private voluntary organizations to carry out activities to improve the capacities of local indigenous non-governmental organizations in developing countries.
Eligibility Requirements
Applicant Eligibility
Applicants must meet the following eligibility requirements.
Be registered as a PVO with USAID; Receive at least 20 percent of total annual financial support for its international programs from non-U.S.
government sources; and 2.
Current Matching Grants recipients are eligible.
Beneficiary Eligibility
Direct beneficiaries are foreign private institutions or organizations; indirect beneficiaries are the recipients of improved service delivery in developing countries.
Applicants must be registered as a PVO with USAID. In addition, they must provide a 30 percent match for the proposed program; the match may be a combination of cash and in-kind. At a minimum, half of the total required match must be in cash. The Applicant must demonstrate ability to raise the match proposed. Actual and/or expected sources and amounts of the cost-share amount must be stipulated; they must propose in an eligible country or countries; have an established track record (minimum of five years) in planning, managing, monitoring and evaluating overseas development programs and demonstrated experience in local NGO capacity buildings; and, have completed an external evaluation of its NGO capacity strengthening activities within the last three years, not to be confused with a financial audit. PVC cannot finance any of the following programs: Academic research-oriented endeavors; Construction or commodity procurement; or Activities not focused on development, such as short-term emergency relief activities. USAID encourages applications for development activities that focus on conflict prevention, mitigation or resolution programs; Inconsistent with the Establishment Clause.
Aplication and Award Process
Preapplication Coordination
No preapplication coordination is required.
This program is excluded from coverage under E.O.
Application Procedures
Applications are submitted in response to a Requests for Applications synopsized in FedGrants and published on the USAID Web site ( All applications must be submitted using the Standard Form 424. The RFA provides specific additional instructions regarding the contents of the narrative description of the activity, budget justification and other required information.
Award Procedures
Official notice of approved application is made by the Agreement Officer through the issuance of a Cooperative Agreement.
Specified in the published Request for Applications, which appears on the DCHA/PVC web site and in the Federal Register. The deadline for the last five-year award was March 28, 2003.
The Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, as amended.
Range of Approval/Disapproval Time
The range is from 60 to 90 days.
Extensions to the project period may be made if deemed appropriate by the Agreement Officer.
Assistance Considerations
Formula and Matching Requirements
A cost-share of 30 percent of which at least half of the match must be cash and the remaining half can be in kind contributions. Applicants must demonstrate ability to provide the proposed match via letters of commitment; provide financial and in-kind contributions of all non-USAID or private commercial organizations involved in implementing this Cooperative Agreement; and specify the cost share amount as a total dollar amount and per each donor.
Length and Time Phasing of Assistance
Cooperative agreements may be issued for a five-year period, and are generally funded on a 12-month basis. Support beyond the first year is contingent upon the availability of funds.
Post Assistance Requirements
Five-year detailed implementation and monitoring plans are required in the first year.
Recipients must submit progress reports.
Reporting periods are semi-annual.
Comprehensive final reports are due no later than 90 days after the completion of projects.
Expenditure reports are required 90 days after the end of each quarter.
In accordance with the provisions of OMB Circular A-133 (Revised June 27, 2003), Audits of States, Local Governments, and Non-Profit Organizations, nonfederal entities that receive financial assistance of $500,000 or more in Federal awards will have a single or a program-specific audit conducted for that year. Nonfederal entities that expend less than $500,000 a year in Federal awards are exempt from Federal audit requirements for that year, except as noted in Circular No. A-133.
In accordance with 22 CFR Part 226.53, grantees are to maintain accounting records for a minimum of 3 years after the end of the date of submission of the final expenditure report. If any litigation, claim, negotiation, audit or other action involving the records has been started before the expiration of the 3-year period, the records shall be retained until completion of the action and resolution of all issues which arise from it, or until the end of the regular 3-year period, which In accordance with 22 CFR Part 226.53, grantees are to maintain accounting records for a minimum of 3 years after the end of the date of submission of the final expenditure report. If any litigation, claim, negotiation, audit or other action involving the records has been started before the expiration of the 3-year period, the records shall be retained until completion of the action and resolution of all issues which arise from it, or until the end of the regular 3-year period, whichever is later ever is later.
Financial Information
Account Identification
FY 07 $6,158,942; FY 08 est not available; and FY 09 est not reported.
Range and Average of Financial Assistance
Five-years awards range from $1.3 million to $3.25 million. The average award is $2.4 million.
Regulations, Guidelines, and Literature
Grant administration policies are in 22 CFR 226, and may be found at Internal USAID policy directives, including standard formats, may be found in Automated Directive Systems (ADS) Chapter 303. The ADS is available on the USAID website at Other information regarding USAID's program may be found at
Information Contacts
Regional or Local Office
Tom Kennedy.
Headquarters Office
Criteria for Selecting Proposals
Program Description (45 points) 1. Situational analysis accurately identifies, justifies and prioritizes which NGO sector(s) will be addressed in the proposed program. Provides compelling rationale for innovative technical approach and measurable effectiveness of proposed interventions. Clear and relevant empirical evidence and discussions that proposed interventions will result in achievement of overall proposed programmatic objectives in select countries. Demonstrates program impact by the end of year three. 2. Program Management Approach (30 points Demonstrated effectiveness in organization/management of similar program activities to that of the proposed program activities. Effective and logical relationships have been shown between applicant and all subawardees. Staffing plan and proposed key personnel are appropriate for proposed activities. Integrity and soundness of innovative monitoring and evaluation plan as it relates to quantifiable measurement of progress and results under proposed program activities, including any the activities of any subaward(s); 3. Institutional Capabilities (15) Demonstrates prior experience and results in managing similar and relevant program activities in planning, managing, monitoring and evaluating overseas development programs in the area of NGO capacity building. Evidence of past achievement of successful results in NGO capacity strengthening and clear demonstration that proposed program reflects incorporation of lessons learned; and 4.Cost/Business Application (10 points) The SF 424 shows detailed budget and budget narrative itemizes program costs, shows level of effort, and proposed costs are reasonable and realistic in terms of programmatic activities. Selection The highest rated responsible applicant(s) will be recommended to receive award(s).
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