Federal Programs from Maritime Administration (MARAD)

Research and Innovative Technology (RIT) Hydrogen Alternative Fuel Life Cycle
Maritime Administration (MARAD)
Conduct research evaluating Hydrogen and Alternative Fuel Life Cycle....more

Federal Ship Financing Guarantees
Maritime Administration (MARAD)
To provide competitive financing through the issuance of guarantees of debt issued for the purpose of financing or refinancing the construction, reconstruction or reconditioning of vessels built in Un...more

Maritime War Risk Insurance
Maritime Administration (MARAD)
To provide war risk insurance whenever it appears to the Secretary of Transportation that adequate insurance for waterborne commerce cannot be obtained on reasonable terms and conditions from licensed...more

State Maritime Schools
Maritime Administration (MARAD)
To train future merchant marine officers in State Maritime Schools....more

U.S. Merchant Marine Academy
Maritime Administration (MARAD)
To educate and train merchant marine officers....more

Capital Construction Fund
Maritime Administration (MARAD)
To provide for replacement vessels, additional vessels or reconstructed vessels, built and documented under the laws of the United States for operation in the United States foreign, Great Lakes or non...more

Supplementary Training
Maritime Administration (MARAD)
To train seafarers in shipboard fire fighting, and other such essential subjects related to safety and operations where this training is not or cannot be provided by the industry directly. Maritime de...more

Construction Reserve Fund
Maritime Administration (MARAD)
To promote the construction, reconstruction, reconditioning, or acquisition of merchant vessels built and documented under the laws of the United States for purposes of national defense and the develo...more

Maritime Security Fleet Program
Maritime Administration (MARAD)
To maintain a U.S.-flag merchant fleet crewed by U.S. mariners to serve both the commercial and national security needs of the United States....more

Assistance to Small Shipyards
Maritime Administration (MARAD)
To award grants for capital improvements and related infrastructure improvements at qualified shipyards that will facilitate the efficiency, cost effectiveness, and quality of domestic ship constructi...more

Social Entrepreneurship

Exeter Sees Growth in Social Enterprise Sector

A partner at The Fruit Tree for Business LLP and co-founder of ESSENCE, Lorna Turner, discusses why Social Enterprise Day is a good time to celebrate Exeter’s thriving social enterprise scene.

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Edited by: Michael Saunders

© 2004-2025 Copyright Michael Saunders