Brownfield Job Training Cooperative Agreements Office Of Solid Waste And Emergency Response To recruit, train, and place unemployed and under-employed residents of brownfields-impacted communities, and by doing so, providing individuals of these communities with the skills needed to obtain s...more
To support activities that promote the prevention, compliance, and identification of underground storage tanks, and to support activities that promote corrective action, enforcement and management of ...more
State and Tribal Response Program Grants Office Of Solid Waste And Emergency Response EPA's CERCLA Section 128(a) grant program funds activities that establish or enhance state and tribal response program capacity, capitalize revolving loan funds (RLFs), and support insurance mechanism...more
Brownfield sites are real property, the expansion, redevelopment, or reuse of which may be complicated by the presence or potential presence of a hazardous substance, pollutant, or contaminant. The ob...more
The country’s first green coworking space, Green Spaces, is a hub for green and socially conscious businesses in Denver to work and connect with each other.