Federal Programs from Office Of The Assistant Secretary (strategy And Requirements)

National Flagship Language Program Grants To U.S. Institutions Of Higher Education
Office Of The Assistant Secretary (strategy And Requirements)
(1) To establish centers for the teaching of critical languages to the ILR level 3 (ACTFL Superior level) and beyond in Arabic, Chinese, Russian, Korean, Persian, Hindi, and Urdu; (2) To develop curri...more

National Security Education Program David L. Boren Scholarships
Office Of The Assistant Secretary (strategy And Requirements)
(1) To equip Americans with an understanding of less commonly taught languages and cultures; (2) to build a critical base of future leaders both in the marketplace and in government service; (3) to de...more

National Security Education Program David L. Boren Fellowships
Office Of The Assistant Secretary (strategy And Requirements)
(1) To equip Americans with an understanding of less commonly taught languages and cultures; (2) to build a critical base of future leaders both in the marketplace and in government service; (3) to de...more

National Flagship Language Program Fellowships
Office Of The Assistant Secretary (strategy And Requirements)
The National Flagship Language Program (NFLP) is designed to address the urgent and growing need for Americans with professional levels of competency in languages critical to national security. NFLP o...more

English for Heritage Language Speakers Grants to U.S. Institutions of Higher Education
Office Of The Assistant Secretary (strategy And Requirements)
The English for Heritage Language Speakers (EHLS) program is designed to provide intensive English language instruction for U. S. citizens who are native speakers of critical languages. The goal of th...more

English for Heritage Language Speakers Scholarships
Office Of The Assistant Secretary (strategy And Requirements)
The English for Heritage Language Speakers (EHLS) program is designed to provide intensive English language instruction for U. S. citizens who are native speakers of critical languages. The goal of th...more

Social Entrepreneurship

Exeter Sees Growth in Social Enterprise Sector

A partner at The Fruit Tree for Business LLP and co-founder of ESSENCE, Lorna Turner, discusses why Social Enterprise Day is a good time to celebrate Exeter’s thriving social enterprise scene.

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Edited by: Michael Saunders

© 2004-2025 Copyright Michael Saunders