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Federal Programs
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Federal Programs from Office Of The Secretary Of Defense
Commercial Technologies for Maintenance Activities ProgramOffice of the Secretary of Defense, Logistics and Material Readiness, Maintenance Policy & Prog
In partnership with industry, advance the development, integration, and use of sustainment technologies and processes which: Improve weapon systems readiness and reliability; Improve weapon systems ca...
more Congressionally Directed AssistanceOffice of the Secretary of Defense
To implement Congressionally directed assistance for the purposes identified in the Department of Defense ("DoD") annual appropriations act. The resulting assistance instruments support a variety of C...
Social Entrepreneurship

Many people, organizations and businesses in Miami are actively committed to philanthropy. As Javier Alberto Soto, president and CEO of the Miami Foundation, puts it, “Miami is home to a young, diverse demographic that’s looking for ways to get involved, ways to improve our community that aren’t traditional, like a formal gala.”