Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration Grants
The Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration provides aid and sustainable solutions for refugees, victims of conflict and stateless people around the world, through repatriation, local integration, and resettlement in the United States.
The Bureau also promotes the United States'' population and migration policies.
Current Country Specific Funding Priorities and Instructions: PRM will prioritize available funding for Tanzania and Rwanda as identified below. All proposals should target beneficiaries as...morePosted On - 2013-11-14
In FY 2013, PRMs focus is to support the reintegration of spontaneous or assisted minority returnees from Serbia in Kosovo; to support the integration of displaced persons (DPs) from Kosovo in...morePosted On - 2013-05-03
(a)Armenia: PRM seeks proposals that aim to empower and increase the self-reliance of PRM populations of concern and strengthen local NGO capacity. While programs must include a target beneficiary...morePosted On - 2013-04-30
PRM will consider funding projects involving research, assessment, formative evaluation, and the development of tools, operational guidance, and/or best practices to strengthen evidence-based...morePosted On - 2013-04-29
ETHIOPIA- Proposals must focus on one or more of the following: Dollo Ado (Melkadida, Bokolmayo, and/or Buramino camps ONLY): 1) Health (reproductive health, maternal and child health/nutrition,...morePosted On - 2013-04-04
Current Funding Priorities for Thailand: PRM will accept proposals for activities that focus on the provision of comprehensive and integrated healthcare services for Burmese in Mae La, Umpiem, and...morePosted On - 2012-11-20
Current Funding Priorities for Assistance to Burmese Refugees in Thailand: PRM will accept proposals from NGOs for activities that focus on the following priorities in Mae La camp, and the...morePosted On - 2012-06-08
Limited funding is available to support NGOs working with UNHCR in Burkina Faso, Mauritania, and Niger to respond to assistance and protection needs of Malian refugees. Proposed activities should...morePosted On - 2012-06-01
The Reception and Placement (R&P) Program for the initial reception and placement of refugees in the United States is managed by the Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration of the Department of...morePosted On - 2012-05-18