Evidence-based practice is the purposeful implementation of processes that have been proven by research to be most effective. The concept is an evolving one in the field of corrections, and within...more
With the closure of state hospitals beginning in the 1970’s and the shrinking resources in many communities, there is a large and disproportionate number of seriously mentally ill individuals under...more
The deliverables from this cooperative agreement will contribute to the mission of NIC by promoting the ongoing development and advancement of correctional practices by developing a standardized...more
In order to assist justice involved adults with maintaining long-term attachments to the workforce, practitioners must be able to assess those at high risk for job loss, identify specific...more
The concept of Dosage Probation was first conceptualized under the National Institute of Correction’s Evidence-Based Decision Making in Local Criminal Justice Systems (EBDM) Initiative. It is a...more
This project is intended to delve into the victim service gaps and barriers that exist within the post-conviction setting from the perspective of legal professionals and how they interact with each...more
The National Institute of Corrections (NIC) is seeking applications for funding under the Fiscal Year (FY) 2017 Staffing Analysis Manual for Corrections and Technical Assistance. This program...more
NIC’s training and technical assistance approach will address the most challenging questions facing correctional officials: How correctional agencies manage their most violent and disruptive...more
The field of corrections and healthcare services for corrections is constantly evolving, requiring continuous learning and professional development for healthcare administrators. With responsibility...more
A partner at The Fruit Tree for Business LLP and co-founder of ESSENCE, Lorna Turner, discusses why Social Enterprise Day is a good time to celebrate Exeter’s thriving social enterprise scene.