This shoreline restoration project contributes to the Navy’s efforts to provide a stable and secure natural environment in which to carry out mission activities and air operations. The work...more
The purpose of the Cooperative Agreement is to restore a total of 450 linear feet in two separate reaches with measures to provide structural repair and erosion prevention strategies along the...more
The purpose of the Agreement is to design and obtain permitting for shoreline stabilization measures at Reach E, E1, G, and P, and to construct shoreline stabilization measures for approximately 115...more
The purpose of the Agreement is to design and construct slope stabilization measures to provide structural repair and erosion prevention measures for the embankment along the indicated eastern...more
The Navy’s responsibilities pursuant to the Sikes Act, Clean Water Act (CWA) and EO 11990- Protection of Wetlands, requires Federal agencies to avoid undertaking or providing assistance for new...more
The primary objective of this Agreement is to conduct repair and maintenance on Millennium Stream. This will include maintenance of the stream plunge pool and stream bank to its permitted grades of...more
Severe erosion along the shoreline of Cedar Point at NAS Patuxent River has resulted in a loss of approximately 275 feet of shoreline since 1985. Stabilization efforts to the south of Cedar Point...more
The primary purpose of this Cooperative Agreement is to provide services to perform the MAPS program, a continent-wide bird monitoring program at Naval Support Facility Dahlgren (NSFDL), in Dahlgren,...more
A partner at The Fruit Tree for Business LLP and co-founder of ESSENCE, Lorna Turner, discusses why Social Enterprise Day is a good time to celebrate Exeter’s thriving social enterprise scene.