TRIBAL CLEAN ENERGY PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT - 2025 Under this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA), the DOE Office of Indian Energy is soliciting applications from Indian Tribes, which include Alaska Native Regional Corporations and Village Corporations, Intertribal Organizations,

and Tribal Energy Development Organizations to:
(1) Conduct clean energy planning (Topic Area 1); (2) Comprehensively assess the feasibility and viability of deploying clean energy technology (Topic Area 2); or, (3) Conduct clean energy design and development activities (Topic Area 3).

Unless DOE approves a requested cost share reduction from 10% to 0%, all Applicants are required to provide non-federal cost share of at least 10% of the total allowable costs of the project (i.e., the sum of the federal share and the non-federal Recipient cost share of allowable costs equals the total allowable cost of the project).

If requested by the Applicant as part of its application, a cost share reduction from 10% to 0% may be considered based on financial need, specifically (1) poverty rate, or (2) median household income of the tribal community as a percentage of statewide median household income.

(see Section III.B.

2. of the FOA and ‘Application Forms and Templates’ for this FOA on IE-Exchange).

DOE expects to make approximately $25 million of federal funding available for new awards under this FOA.

The actual level of funding, if any, depends on Congressional appropriations.

DOE anticipates making approximately 20 to 40 awards under this FOA.

DOE may issue awards in one, multiple, or none of the Topic Areas.

See the FOA document in IE-Exchange for a full description.
Related Programs

Renewable Energy Research and Development

Department of Energy

Agency: Department of Energy

Office: Golden Field Office

Estimated Funding: $25,000,000

Relevant Nonprofit Program Categories

Obtain Full Opportunity Text:
Office of Indian Energy Funding Opportunity Exchange

Additional Information of Eligibility:
Please see full eligibility requirements under the FOA posting at

The Eligibility requirement are in Section III.A of the FOA document.

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Edited by: Michael Saunders

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