The Violence Against Women Act Measuring Effectiveness Initiative (VAWA MEI) is categorized under CFDA #1 6. 526 (Technical Assistance) and is permitted under the following statutes:
34 U.S.C.
12291(b)(11); 34 U.S.C.
§ 10238; and 34 U.S.C.
§ 12291(b)(7).
Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) of 2005 requires that grantees report on the effectiveness of their VAWA-funded programs to the Attorney General, who, in turn, must report to Congress every two years on the effectiveness of grant-funded activities (P.L.
106-386, section 1003, codified at 34 U.S.C.
§ 10238).
Some OVW grant programs also have specific reporting requirements as outlined in their respective authorizing legislation.
In response to these reporting requirements, OVW developed annual and semi-annual performance reporting forms for each OVW grant program that track grant-funded activities and incorporate measures tied to program objectives.
Grantees funded by OVW report consistent, quantitative data that can be aggregated to reflect the accomplishments within and across grant programs.
The reporting forms also collect qualitative information on grantees’ goals, objectives, activities, accomplishments, and remaining areas of need.
OVW uses the information collected through these performance reports in different ways, including:
monitoring grant activities, spotting training and technical assistance needs, providing information to a range of stakeholders on what has been accomplished with grant funds, identifying promising practices, meeting reporting obligations under the Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) and subsequent legislation, responding to the Department of Justice’s data requests related to performance and budget, reporting to Congress, and responding to ad hoc data requests from within and outside government.
This solicitation is to fund the first 12 to 18 months of a five-year project to continue and enhance the VAWA MEI.
Project activities will include:
reviewing, cleaning, and analyzing data collected from grantee performance reports; maintaining that information in a database; working in partnership with OVW to fulfill reporting requirements; responding to data requests; providing ongoing training and technical assistance to OVW grantees on collecting data to assess their own performance and accurately completing their performance reports; assisting OVW in the preparation of reports to Congress and additional materials and analyses related to VAWA-funded activities; keeping abreast of newly published research and data related to gender-based violence and incorporating that information into reports and other materials; and creating tools to facilitate performance data collection, reporting, and analysis by formula program grantees and subgrantees.
Award Period The award period is for five years, or 60 months.
The recipient will be awarded a cooperative agreement with a five-year project period; however, the initial award will support between 12 and 18 months of project activity.
The recipient may then apply, noncompetitively, for an additional 42-48 months of funding, in FY 202 3. Any subsequent noncompetitive award will be made at the discretion of the OVW Director and past performance will be taken into account in determining whether to grant a noncompetitive award.
Budgets must reflect between 12 and 18 months of project activity, and the total "estimated funding" on the SF-424 must reflect between 12 and 18 months.
The award period will start on January 1, 202 3. Award Amounts Applicants should not exceed the award amount listed in this solicitation and should carefully consider the resources needed to successfully implement the proposed project.
The award will be made for up to $ 2. 6 million for between 12 and 18 months of activity.
Reasonableness of the proposed budget will be a factor evaluated during the review of applications.