The purpose of this activity is to promote the independence, transparency, and accountability of institutions in the justice sector in Zimbabwe.
The objectives of this activity are to:
Promote systematic and sustained monitoring of targeted justice sector institutions.
Increase active
citizen participation in the justice system.
Enhance open and accessible justice.
USAID/Zimbabwe is committed to encouraging a culture of rule of law and constitutionalism in Zimbabwe by supporting interventions that strengthen institutional independence, transparency, and accountability.
The activity seeks to find innovative ways to engage the full spectrum of state and non-state justice sector actors and institutions at the national and subnational levels to strengthen accountability and transparency.
For purposes of this activity, USAID defines justice sector institutions (JSIs) as broadly including all institutions and actors, both state and non-state, involved in the provision, management and oversight of justice.
Given the broad nature of JSIs, the activity will focus on the handling and processing of cases in five thematic areas, specifically anti-corruption, commercial law, family law, labor law, and human rights-related cases.
The activity will shine a light on the currently opaque performance of JSIs, document and highlight the performance of JSIs, encourage increased public discourse, and strengthen systems, processes and practices to achieve greater accountability.
Program implementation strategies and approaches are expected to be flexible and innovative to respond to challenges and dynamics in Zimbabwe as they evolve.