This funding opportunity is provided to control and prevent CWD in farmed cervids through the development and/or implementation of CWD surveillance, testing, management, and response activities.
Proposals can include the use of funds for the indemnification and removal of CWD-affected farmed cervid
herds and CWD-exposed cervids as part of an overall CWD management plan in accordance with 9 CFR Part 5 5. 2. APHIS VS anticipates awarding around $6,050,000 in cooperative agreement funding5 for the following entities:
State departments of agriculture; State animal health agencies; State departments of wildlife or natural resources; Federally recognized Native American Tribal governments and Native American Tribal organizations or universities representing Federally recognized Native American Tribal governments; and research institutions and universities.An eligible applicant may submit multiple proposals for this funding opportunity, requesting up to $250,000 per proposal for activities to control or prevent CWD in farmed cervids.
Applicants who wish to submit multiple proposals must submit each proposal as a separate proposal package.The overall objectives of the funding opportunity are to control, manage, and/or prevent CWD in farmed cervids.
Through this funding opportunity, APHIS VS is soliciting collaborators who will further develop and implement farmed cervid CWD surveillance, testing, management, and response activities.
Proposals can include the use of funds for the indemnification and removal of CWD-affected farmed cervid herds and CWD-exposed cervids as part of an overall CWD management plan in accordance with 9 CFR Part 5 5. 2. Funds may also be provided for applied research7 to further develop and evaluate tools, techniques, and strategies for identifying, preventing, and controlling CWD in farmed cervids.