Request for Information (RFI) --- Local Governance and Reconciliation Activity (LGRA) This RFI is issued for the purpose of providing industry an opportunity to review, comment, and propose edits to improve the draft design document for a new USAID/Somalia activity.
As part of the design process
for this proposed activity, USAID/Somalia conducted a robust literature review and donor mapping, and undertook consultations with key Somali stakeholders.
The proposed activity, tentatively titled the Local Governance and Reconciliation Activity (LGRA), will be a five-year cooperative agreement.
Subject to the availability of funds, the anticipated total estimated amount will be approximately $40 million, comprising a core program of $25 million and opportunity module(s) of up to a total of $15 million that would allow LGRA to scale-up in response to windows of opportunity that emerge over the course of implementation.
Please submit your comments to this RFI (no more than five pages) via email to Petrina Williams at with a copy to Aziz Alibhai at with the subject entitled:
“Request for Information (RFI):
Local Governance and Reconciliation Activity (LGRA)”, no later than the date and time stated above.
This Notice can be viewed and downloaded from the Internet at
Thank you for your interest in the subject request for information.