Correctional industries (CI) programs contribute significantly to effective offender reentry.
By providing real-life work experience, CI offers justice-involved adults the ability to identify the personality traits (soft skills) that affect their ability to maintain gainful attachment to the workforce.
addition, CI programs help them explore transferable skills while developing job-specific skills to compete in today's employment market.
CI programs are also an effective strategy to address dynamic criminogenic factors and institutional idleness, serving as a vehicle to engage high-risk justice-involved adults.
Correctional industries are enhanced when program administrators and staff are provided the knowledge and skills to support the training and reentry needs of justice-involved adults through collaboration and partnerships with internal and external stakeholders.
To this end, NIC now offers a national training program that aids in improving services and programming for justice-involved adults at high risk of recidivism while supporting succession planning for leaders within the industry.