The Youth Farm Safety Education and Certification Program (YFSEC) supports national efforts to deliver timely, pertinent, and appropriate training to youth seeking employment or already employed in agricultural production.
The program has critical ties to the current regulations for youth employment
in agriculture, especially the exemptions provided in 29 CFR Part 570, subpart E-1 for youth under the age of 16 employed in some agricultural occupations having obtained certification.
Significant changes in agricultural production and in the agricultural workforce since this regulation took effect in the early 1970's have encouraged the USDA to consider training and certification innovations along with developing appropriate training and restrictions on youth employment in hazardous agricultural jobs.
YFSEC's funding has appeared under the Smith-Lever 3 (d) line for Youth Farm Safety Education and Certification since 2001 and has awarded nearly $ 1. 43 million in grants.