The Office of Infectious Disease and HIV/AIDS Policy (OIDP) and the Office of Regional Health Operations (ORHO) are collaborating to implement this initiative.
OIDP and ORHO are operational components in the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health (OASH).This initiative seeks to expand, plan,
implement, and evaluate promising practices and develop novel approaches to increase vaccine confidence in local communities, particularly partnerships with organizations that work with populations with low vaccination rates (e.g., African Americans and residents in rural communities).
Practical solutions at local levels are needed to help support vaccination efforts in communities by healthcare providers, immunization program managers, immunization advocates, vaccine manufacturers, and other stakeholders.
OIDP anticipates the availability of approximately $1,000,000 for this funding opportunity to support four awards ranging from $250,000 to $115,000 per year for up to three years.
OIDP and ORHO will support activities by public health departments, community organizations, academic institutions, professional or trade organizations, and immunization coalitions, among others, that work with populations with low vaccination rates.
Eligible applicants include any private (either profit or nonprofit) or public entity located in a State.
We expect funded projects to involve a local government public health agency or local community-based organization as a partner (if the recipient is neither) in order to meet the goals of this initiative.
Successful applicants will have demonstrated a clear understanding of the challenges and needs related to each of the following in the community that is the focus of the project:
1. Level of confidence in vaccines.
2. Level of confidence in vaccine providers in traditional or non-traditional settings, and 3. Level of confidence in policies including but not limited to the approval process, recommendations for who should and should not receive a vaccine, and when vaccines should be administered.