The purpose of this research announcement is to support investigator-initiated research to rigorously evaluate policies and programs for the primary prevention of ACEs.
In alignment with NCIPC’s ACEs Research Priorities, projects are expected to evaluate prevention approaches at the community-
or societal-level that address social and health inequities that place some populations at greater risk for ACEs.
Research conducted with these funds will rigorously evaluate existing primary prevention approaches (i.e., policies or programs that are already developed and implemented or ready for implementation in the community or population of interest) that have not yet undergone rigorous evaluation or are not currently undergoing a rigorous outcome evaluation.
This research is intended to expand the evidence base for ACEs prevention in one or more of the following strategy areas identified in the CDC’s ACEs Prevention Resource for Action:
Ensure A Strong Start for Children, Promote Social Norms That Protect Against Violence and Adversity, and Strengthen Economic Supports to Families.