Activity Goal and Anticipated Results Overall Goal:
The activity's goal is to improve the lives of disadvantaged and marginalized populations through needed legal-regulatory framework changes, improved services, and intensified cooperation between the government and non-governmental actors to
address the needs of vulnerable and marginalized groups.
The activity goal will be achieved through activities under the following components.
● Inclusion, protection and empowerment policy and legislative reform ● Improved inclusion, protection and empowerment services for vulnerable and marginalized groups ● Enhanced protection and inclusion of those affected by instability and violent hostilities/conflict ● Outreach, communications, and research ● Adaptive social protection to address the impacts of global or domestic crises, such as COVID-19, war/conflict, and food insecurity The proposed activity will target different themes:
● Social Protection Policy work ● C-TIP ● Social inclusion and protection for persons with disabilities and LGBTIQ+ ● GBV, including DV and IPV ● Women's empowerment ● Protection of rights, access to humanitarian/recovery assistance, and safety from violence, abuse and exploitation of women and girls impacted by the NK conflict and/or instability.
● Support for displaced populations, including engagement in relevant peace processes Support to address the impacts of global and domestic crises, such as COVID-19 and food insecurity.