The United States Government represented by the U. S. Agency for International Development (USAID)/Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) anticipates issuance of a Request for Applications (RFA) for the implementation of a five-year USAID/BiH General Education Activity, TABLA.
The purpose of this notice
is to solicit comments from interested parties on a draft program description (attached).
For full PD please go to “Related Documents” tab.
Please ensure comments are concise and specific and make specific reference to page and section numbers.
USAID does not seek questions at this time, only comments.
USAID is not obligated to provide any responseto the comments submitted.
Please submit your comments to by 9:00 a.m.
local Sarajevo, BiH time, May 20, 201 9. The eligibility is not restricted.
The goal of USAID’s TABLA Activity is to improve student outcomes in critical thinking and STEM subjects.
This activity’s aim is to assist select geographical areas in integrating high-quality teacher training and education into their existing infrastructure.
This will be accomplished by improving teacher capacity to incorporate critical thinking and applied knowledge in STEM into classroom teaching.
USAID intends to issue an RFA around May 22, 201 9. Please do not consider this announcement as an RFA and do not submit your applications until the formal RFA is released.
This is not a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) and is not to be construed as a commitment by the U.S.Government to publish any NOFO, or ultimately issue an assistance award on the basis of this posting, or to pay for any information voluntarily submitted as a result of this request.
Thank you for your interest in this USAID initiative.