USAID/Cambodia posted the Notice of Funding Opportunity for Enhancing Quality of Healthcare Activity II (EQHA II).
The purpose of the activity is to enhance quality, sustainability, and responsiveness of health services in the public and private sectors to maximize health outcomes among Cambodians,
including vulnerable populations with the following objectives:
Objective 1:
Improved evidence-based policy, guidelines, and strategies for more effective and efficient health service systems.
Objective 2:
Improved individual and institutional capacity of the public and private sectors to implement, monitor and evaluate quality assurance according to the national standards.
Subject to further funding availability, the Activity may be expanded through use of Opportunity Module(s) to address additional priorities that are identified during the course of implementation that contribute to any of the three Objectives.
Opportunity Module:
Supplementing the intervention description as stated in the Results Framework above, USAID and the recipient may identify opportunities for improving our response through this mechanism to address specific health priority needs that cannot be precisely identified during the design process, but emerge over the course of implementation.
Applying the opportunity module(s) may also allow this Activity to expand geographic coverage to other provinces/districts as appropriate or expand reach within existing provinces.
Subject to funding availability, USAID will work with the Recipient to identify priority needs and provide technical support by bringing national and international expertise to support interventions related to existing Objectives.
For more details on the RFA, please refer to the attached RFA.