The United States Agency for International Development in Burma (USAID/Burma) is seeking applications for a cooperative agreement from qualified entities to implement the Agriculture and Food-Systems Development Activity.
Eligibility for this award is not restricted.
USAID/Burma will select
an organization to fund the proposed activity.
The selection process contains three merit review phases.
The final award will be made to the applicant selected from Evaluation Phase 2 and after a Program Description is co-developed (Phase 3) by the selected applicant and USAID/Burma.
The phases are described in section D of the Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO).
USAID intends to make an award to the applicant(s) who best meets the objectives of this funding opportunity based on the merit review criteria at each stage as described in this NOFO subject to a risk assessment.
Eligible parties interested in submitting an application are encouraged to read this NOFO thoroughly to understand the type of program sought, application submission requirements and selection process.
The full NOFO is accessible under "Related documents" tab above.