The United States Agency for International Development (USAID/Burma) is seeking applications for a Cooperative Agreement from qualified US and non-US organizations to implement the President's Malaria Initiative Eliminate Malaria (PMI-EM) Activity, in which USAID seeks to provide up to $30M in total
USAID funding over a 5-year period.
The purpose of this Activity is to contribute to the elimination of indigenous transmission of Plasmodium falciparum malaria by 2025 and put Myanmar on the path to eliminate all human malaria by 203 0. Eligibility for this award is not restricted.
Relevant Nonprofit Program Categories
Obtain Full Opportunity Text:NSF Publication 21-558
Additional Information of Eligibility:*Who May Submit Proposals: Proposals may only be submitted by the following: -Non-profit, non-academic organizations: Independent museums, observatories, research labs, professional societies and similar organizations in the U. S. associated with educational or research activities.
-Institutions of Higher Education (IHEs) - Two- and four-year IHEs (including community colleges) accredited in, and having a campus located in the US, acting on behalf of their faculty members.Special Instructions for International Branch Campuses of US IHEs: If the proposal includes funding to be provided to an international branch campus of a US institution of higher education (including through use of subawards and consultant arrangements), the proposer must explain the benefit(s) to the project of performance at the international branch campus, and justify why the project activities cannot be performed at the US campus.
*Who May Serve as PI: The PI must be a full-time faculty member or staff member at an institution of higher education, or a member of a non-profit, non-academic organization, and have an established record of leading research teams.
Full Opportunity Web Address: Agency Email Description: Burma OAA
Agency Email: Date Posted: 2021-01-29
Application Due Date: Archive Date: 2021-04-14