Dear Interested Applicants:This Annual Program Statement (APS) publicizes in accordance with ADS 30 3. 3. 5. 2(b) as the intention of the United States Government (USG), as represented by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Indonesia Mission, to fund one or multiple awards
to improve the capacity of the National Tuberculosis Program, local partners, and communities to effectively detect, diagnose, and treat people affected by tuberculosis and provide preventive services to all people in need, while building a sustainable and resilient health system in Indonesia.This document is an “umbrella” APS that is not calling for any submission and will not solicit any concept papers nor applications.
Prospective applicants will be provided a fair opportunity to develop and submit competitive applications to USAID for potential funding via APS Addendums under this APS.
USAID Indonesia intends to make several assistance awards with US and local NGOs to assist the Government of Indonesia (GOI) in accelerating achievement toward its 2030 TB elimination.Following this APS, USAID will issue APS Addendum(s) with more detailed information for applicants to submit their applications.
USAID Indonesia may utilize co-creation with prospective applicants during various stages of APS Addendum procurements and applicants may be invited to participate in virtual or in-person events.
If/when there is any change related to this APS, the mission will amend this APS accordingly.Issuance of this APS does not commit USAID to make any awards nor to pay for the costs incurred in the preparation and submission of an application.
USAID also reserves the right to reject any application received in response to the APS Addendum(s).
USAID reserves the right not to conduct a co-creation and request Full Applications from successful applicants at the concept paper stage, or to conduct co-creation at a later stage of the process.
The actual number of awards under this APS is subject to the availability of funds and the viability of applications received.
USAID also reserves the right to award multiple awards or no awards at all through this APS.This APS and the APS Addendum will be posted on and
It is the responsibility of the Applicant to regularly check both websites to ensure they have the latest information pertaining to this APS and to ensure that the APS has been received from the internet in its entirety.
USAID bears no responsibility for any data errors resulting from transmission or conversion process.
If you have difficulty registering on or accessing the APS document, please contact the Helpdesk at 1-800-518-4726 or via email at for technical assistance.Thank you for your interest in USAID programs.