As an Addendum to the 2020-2023 Global Development Alliance (GDA) Annual Program Statement (APS) No.
APS-OAA-21-00001 (the GDA APS), USAID/Kenya & East Africa is making a special call for the submission of concepts focused on empowering women in northern Kenya to improve their resilience and
adaptive capacity to climate change and its impacts.
Any GDA supported through this addendum should strengthen the entrepreneurial capacity of women, expand their alternative income generating activities; and create market linkages between the women-led enterprises in Northern Kenya and local, regional and international private sector actors.
The private sector will have the opportunity to partner in the co-creation and delivery of a high impact activity that will improve the well-being and prosperity of communities while reducing threats to biodiversity and strengthening the resilience of pastoral women and youth to the effects of climate change.
In addition to enhancing the resilience and adaptive capacity of women and youth in Northern Kenya to climate change, this activity will also be critical in addressing socio-cultural norms that often prevent women from actively engaging in income generating activities or seeking formal / informal employment and reducing the harmful effects of gender-based violence.
Please see attachments for the full GDA-APS and addendum.