The United States Agency for International Development Mission in Ethiopia (USAID/Ethiopia) is in the process of gathering information and conducting market research to support an anticipated activity design for a Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) Program in Ethiopia.
This request
for information (RFI) intends to offer the opportunity for interested individuals and organizations to provide recommendations on approaches to providing culturally and contextually appropriate duty of care, employee wellbeing, and/or Mental Health and Psycho Social services (MHPSS) to USAID/Ethiopia staff and its implementing partners.
USAID is seeking responses to the questions of this RFI outlined below, USAID is not seeking technical or cost applications / proposals at this time.
Responses to this RFI are voluntary.
Respondents are free to address any or all of the below items, as well as provide additional information that they think is relevant.
USAID will not pay respondents for any information provided in response to this RFI.
Any future solicitations of funding opportunities related to duty of care will be announced on the Federal Business Opportunities website at or at at a later date.