The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) through its Mission inLiberia, is seeking applications for a cooperative agreement from qualified entities to implementthe Countywide Sanitation Activity.
Eligibility for this award is not restricted.USAID intends to fund one award
to maximize development impact and efficient resource useby engaging in new, or expanding existing, partnerships in priority areas identified in theprogram description.
The program intends to adopt and scale innovative solutions in meeting theidentified development challenges.
USAID/Liberia intends to award to the applicant(s) who bestmeets the objectives of this funding opportunity based on the merit review criteria described inthis NOFO subject to a risk assessment.
Eligible parties interested in submitting an applicationare encouraged to read this NOFO thoroughly to understand the type of program sought,application submission requirements and selection process.
This NOFO will follow a four-phaseprocess:Phase 1:
Submission of Concept PaperPhase 2:
Participation in Oral Presentations for selected applicant(s)Phase 3:
Participation in Co-creation Workshop for selected applicant(s)Phase 4:
Submission of Full Application