The goal of this activity is to increase safe and equitable non-formal learning opportunities for Out-of-school youth, with a tailored approach for girls, to develop the foundational or vocational skills needed to transition into formal education or employment.
The activity will target out-of-school
youth ages 9 - 18 in the regions of Maradi, Tillaberi, Zinder and Dosso.To reach out-of-school youth, USAID/Niger must address the challenges associated with access to educational attainment and vocational training opportunities.
Adolescents and youth, particularly girls and those affected by conflict and crisis, do not have access to safe, equitable and contextually relevant learning and skill building opportunities needed to strengthen their resilience and contribute to their communities.
In preparation for the activity design process and the development of the Mission’s first strategy, an education sector analysis was conducted which highlighted the role that accelerated, non-formal learning and vocational training programs can play in transforming gender norms and promoting girls’ education by working with adolescents, traditional leaders, and community members.
Theactivity targets four distinct groups within the NFE sector:
1) out-of-school youth, 2) educators including teachers, instructors, and facilitators, 3) parents, caregivers and community leaders, and 4) local institutions and civil society organizations.
Out-of-school youth include those who have never been to school and those who have dropped out of school, young girls particularly at risk of early marriage or are already married, young mothers, and other marginalized groups.
This activity requires a flexible and adaptable approach to continue meeting youth’s learning and wellbeing needs as contexts shift and to enable communities to overcome shocks and stresses.